Back To Gallery: 2015 Festival Photos Gallery
2015 07 04 ReverseFestival 50.0-mm 0343
Gallery: 2015 Festival Photos Gallery Description:
Views: 12603

What is Reverse Festival?

  • Tickets Include

    Tickets Include

    Live music
    Silent Disco!!!

    Further information for the festival will be confirmed. In the mean time if you have any enquiries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We look forward to seeing you at the festival this year! There will be delicious food stalls. And don't forget the raffle and the auction.

  • What's On

    What's On

    Live music
    Delicious food
    Fully licensed bar
    & more...

    This year will no doubt be another celebration of all the fantastic work and achievements that have been made throughout the year, and for that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  • The Music

    The Music

    The 2017 list of bands has yet to be finalised!

    We have tickets available, you can either buy online here or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Thank You

    Thank You

    We couldn't put on Reverse festival without your help and support.

    Last year's festival would not have been possible without so many wonderful people who gave their support. We would like to say a big thank you to all the people and companies for giving both their time and for their kind donations to the auction and raffle, which made the event such a success.